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A.T. Goretext Rhinoplasty, Tip Plasty with Cartilage Graft, Alar Plasty, Gynecomastia (Male Breast) Reduction, San Francisco, California, USA, March 2015

Sorry for getting back on you so late.. Since I got back here in US, I got busy with new job, appointments, bills and such.. But nevertheless I want to inform you that everything went well with me during my flight. I haven’t get back to gym yet probably next week, but things are great in my end.. I want to thank you for the job well done.. I do like me new nose and chest is smaller now, rather flat now. I know doing both procedures with is probably stressful and tiring for you, but you manage to pull them both with flying colors so kudos to you doc.. I really do appreciate all the help, constant follow ups, communication. All the information and assistance you gave me is superb.. And remarkable.. I do appreciate you personally taking direct care of your patients even I could see that there are lot of patients every time I go to your clinic for follow up. Your office is above and beyond expectation as far as taking care of the patient is concern.. Again big thanks…

Doc Lorenzo..