With regards to eliminating the signs of aging, few procedures can dramatically change facial profile and with a long lasting outcomes such as facelifts, brow lifts, and eyelid surgery. Even though facial fillers and Botox are a few of the most popular methods of facial rejuvenation, the effects are transient, temporary and repeat sessions may be pricey.

For long-lasting facial rejuvenation, facial surgical cosmetic procedures such as conventional facelifts, brow lifts, and eyelid surgery last years longer and have more dramatic results. Right here is an overview of those 3 cosmetic procedures. 

Facelift Procedure

This procedure can either be a minimal or it can be invasive. Patient and doctors can choose either from mini face lift, mini lift, S-Lift, Lifestyle lift, MACS lift, full face lift, neck lift. The conventional, full facelift is an intensive procedure, but the results are dramatic. During the surgery, incisions are oriented infront of the ears that bend behind the ears and up through the hairline, so that the resulting scar is carefully camouflaged within the hair.

The skin is then lifted and peeled back and tissue tightening  with the use of suspension sutures will probably be performed if necessary depending on the type of face lift surgery and looseness of the soft tissue. Excess skin that has lost elasticity will be removed. The remaining skin is then pulled tightly into place and cautiously laid back into place to seem as natural as you possibly can. The incisions will be closed with stitches. 

The outcomes of this surgery are a smoother face with supple skin then elimination of some wrinkles or deep facial lines. Initially the face might appear tight or unnatural due to swelling, but as swelling fades over the very first few weeks it’ll appear natural and socially presentable then feel more comfy.

Eye Bag Removal

This process, also referred to as blepharoplasty, is generally combined with a facelift to achieve optimal outcomes. Result of both procedures are complementary. Incisions are made within the natural lines and contours from the eyelid and along the upper eye lid fold and lower lash lines. Loose skin that gives the eye a drooping look or obscures vision will be removed and then sewn tightly back into location. Fats that is loose or in excess can be removed of use to address deep lines of the lower eye lid(nasojugal groove). The outcomes will probably be less puffy lids along with a much more well-rested appearance.

Brow Lift

For those experiencing issues with just their forehead area like deep or prominent forehead lines due to drooping of the eyebrow, a brow lift can be a good in not the best option. There are various methods for the procedure like mini brow lift, full brow lift, temporal brow lift, thread lift, however the current most well-liked is endoscopic. Incisions are produced either along or behind the hairline so that resulting scar is inconspicuous.

This enables the surgeon to tighten the tissue and smooth out any deep lines and wrinkles within the area with minimal scarring. The results of the surgery are removal of the long, deep “worry” lines that run horizontally across the forehead and an overall smoother, much more youthful look of the upper face.

Make sure that you and your doctor are on the same page

There are risks and complications with any surgical process, so it’s best to discuss the procedure and preparation with your surgeon to avoid and minimize possible complication. Some of the risks associated with all procedures but rarely happens is patients are well prepared and selected includes bleeding, infection, skin necrosis, and prolonged swelling or bruising. Following all post and pre-op directions can help reduce the possible for  developing these complications.

Consult a board-certified plastic surgeon to assist you with your planned procedure. Many times multiple procedures can be combined successfully to lower cost, minimize anesthesia exposure and its possible complication and to get maximum results. It is also typical to make use of facial fillers in conjunction with lifts to achieve the best feasible effect.


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