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Rhinoplasty Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Have you ever been curious about rhinoplasty? Do you have nose job questions that’s been bothering you for some time now? Well we’ve got answers! Check out the questions below to get answers to some of the most common questions about rhinoplasty surgery! Enjoy reading!

Will there be scarring from alar base reduction?
The incisions for an alar base reduction are carefully placed in the shadows of the normal alar crease. The scars are minimized by carefully placed incisions, surgical technique when closing the incisions, and postoperative anti-scarring ointments.

Recovery time so that you look presentable
Lets say you have 4 weeks time frame to have rhinoplasty surgery, assuming that therewas no complications, 4 weeks should be enough time for you to go back to work or resume non-strenuous activity. You will still have some bruising and swelling, but it is usually nottoo bad after 3 weeks. Just remember that full results of a rhinoplasty are not typically seen for up to a year after surgery, but the swelling that remains for this period of time is minimal. However please note that some people may swell more than others.

Is what you see after removing the cast/splint the final result?
No. When the nasal cast is removed, the nose will be quite swollen and the nasal tip will be turned up. The swelling may worsen initially after the cast is removed. This will settle down over the next few weeks, then more gradually thereafter. It is important to remember that the nose does not assume its final shape until many months after rhinoplasty surgery, depending upon the type of nasal skin you have. Your nose will probably look better than prior to the operation within two or three weeks, but the final rhinoplasty result takes longer. You must be patient.

Instagram | Before and After Rhinoplasty 

I’m 8 months post op, will my nostrils even out?
Most likely – because you’re only 8 months out of surgery, it’s important to continue to be patient during the healing process. In some cases, it can take up to two years for the final results of the rhinoplasty to be seen.

I had gortex implant, why does my nose looks so high, long and big after cast removal?
After removing the cast, you may feel that you no longer look like you and that your nose looks too long, too big and you wonder whether it will shrink. Basically one of my patients said, she was “freaking out” because she looked like a freak, here are a few things you  should know:

1. If you had a nose implant, your bridge will look very high after cast removal but rest assure that it will drop and may take anywhere form 2-6 weeks to noticeably drop. Plus the swelling aggravates the height of the bridge making it higher than what it really is.

2. Ask your surgeon how thick the implant was that way you will know how much height is added when the swelling is gone – if you had a reasonablebridge, a 3mm implant will not be significantly much.

3. Stop worrying! Most of the swelling, around 60-70% of the swelling should subside by 6 weeks or at least make your look presentable. The remainder of the swelling will subside fully by the end of the year.

4. Don’t play with your bridge or nose as that will only delay healing. Put warm compresses or blow dry your nose a few times a day to help your nose de-swell.

5. When you try to feel your implant – it feels firm and hard so you think there is no swelling and that the doctor has placed the implant too high. No, all my patients go through the same situation, IT IS SWELLING. Every day your nose will settle in more and more and your skin will loosen to make room for the implant. So yes you will look like a freak for the first week after cast removal but, your implant will drop and swelling will decrease. it is all swelling and your implant will settle in and drop significantly.


YouTube | Manila Rhinoplasty By The Renewed You Aesthetic Center


When can I apply makeup on?
After 2 weeks, you can apply some light oil free foundation to cover up any scars or blemishesyou may have. Its best to keep your skin makeup free if possible in the first 2 weeks post op.

What special care is required for the nose post surgery?

Clean, clean, clean! You have to clean your nose every single day until you feel like you don’thave to anymore. Since you’re unable to pick your nose, a nasal spray will help loosen whatevergunk you have up there whether it’s boogers, dried blood, or what have you, and drains it out.You also have to clean around where the stitches are/were to avoid any infection since they are practically open wounds.

I feel my nose is wider, is this swelling?
If you underwent rhinoplasty several months ago–with rhinoplasty, swelling and the recovery process as a whole can last up to 2 years until final results can be seen. If you’re procedure was performed during this time frame, it’s important to continue to be patient as swelling will make your nose look wider.

I can’t move my upper lift properly after surgery, should I be concerned?
Be patient. What you are describing has been known as releasing the depressor septi nasi muscle. It’s a good idea to talk to Dr. Lorenzo about this if it’s a major concern for you. Following another six to twelve months, your smile should return back to normal.

I’ve notice a small bump on my nose. If I press down on it gently, it goes away.However, the swelling after my procedure has been very inconsistent. Is this just temporary?
What you are describing is extremely normal so early on in the recovery process following a rhinoplasty procedure. Over the course of the next twelve months, swelling may be expected. Swelling may vary in the first year as the area is still sensitive and can be aggravated through active sports or foods that raises blood pressure resulting in inconsistent swelling.

My nose tip is so hard after surgery       
What you are describing is very common after a structural rhinoplasty has been performed. In most cases, the nose will usually soften up in time but may take 1-2 years before the full results can be seen and felt.

I had surgery three months ago to bring the width of my nose in. Why is it appearing droopy and bulbous?Wait 12-18 months, You are still very early on in the healing process following your rhinoplasty. It’s possible that for some individuals it may take anywhere between 12-18 months until you’re able to see the best results from your surgery. If you are concerned, please take photos and email Dr Lorenzo.

When can I exercise after rhinoplasty?
Recovery after rhinoplasty will vary based on the person, characteristics of the nasal tissues and what was done during surgery. The amount of downtime varies greatly as well. Typically, I recommend avoiding most exertion for about two weeks following surgery. Strenuous activities such as running and weight lifting should be avoided for six to eight weeks following surgery. At this point, it should not cause any damage to your nose.

Can Smoking 6 Weeks After Rhinoplasty Surgery Damage Results?
Unfortunately, smoking can actually impact the healing process due to its activity on the small blood vessels. However, the exact effect on swelling, scar tissue formation, and overall healing is not known at this point. My recommendation is to stop smoking immediately and email Dr. Lorenzo .

Crooked nose, asymmetrical and uneven swelling post rhinoplasty?
It is completely normal to be anxious about your results, but you must try to be patient. Whileyour nose might look crooked immediately after removing the cast, it does not mean that the nose will be crooked when the swelling is gone. It is actually impossible to tell right after you take your cast off. Please wait at least 12 months before evaluating your rhinoplasty results. Do not try to push and mould your nose with your fingers to even bruising, this may make your nose asymmetrical.

Tiplasty swelling
It is normal to have swelling 4 months after surgery. In fact, it can take up to 12-24 months for the swelling to go away completely. Try to be patient, over time the swelling will dissipate and your nose should look softer.

Will there be scarring from alar base reduction?
The incisions for an alar base reduction are carefully placed in the shadows of the normal alar crease. The scars are minimized by carefully placed incisions, surgical technique when closing the incisions, and postoperative anti-scarring ointments.